The Rhodesian Ridgeback in Italy, 1999
da The Rhodesaian Ridgeback today
Stig G. Carlson, 1999

The sleeping beauty among the large canine markets in Europe is Italy, where Ridgebaxks have taken a long time to gain a foothold. Despite this and thanks to the determined breeding works of a single kennel, the Best Bitch and Word Winner title hack in 1986 went to an Italian representative, Rhea. This daughter of the all-time great South African, Shangara’s Checheni, shows wonderful depth of chest, solid hone and a fine croup.
Photo courtesy: The Austrian RR Club.
This colorful country has a climate that should suit all types of canine sports. A population of almost 60 million people, a burning interest in sports, and centuries of traditions with hunting dog breeds should be a fertile ground for the expansion of a breed such as the Ridgeback. However, the start was very slow, or, to quote the iron lady of Italian Ridgebacks, Mrs Giovanna Bacchini-Carr,
from the very first Ridgeback World Congress, “The history of the Rhodesian Ridgeback in Italy is necessarily short.” As an example of this, during the first I5 years after the introduction of the breed in 1968, only 42 dogs were registered with ENCI, the Italian Kennel Club: 24 of these were from three Italian-born litters, and only 18 from imports. On the other hand, the early imports came from absolutely the best bloodlines, such as Mushana Starr Jameson and Shangara’s Checheni (see Southern Africa).
Mrs Bacchini-Carr’s bitch Rhea (Shangara’s Checheni ex M’Panis Russet), one of the two bitches imported by her to her delle Cime Bianehe kennels in 1981, took a World Winner title at the World Show in Vienna in 1986. The earliest import was in 1965 when Mrs Ricci imported from Rhodesia Mwala of Mpani (Mpani Rip of Colemore ex Mpani’s Flame Lily of Stallis). The first Italian Ridgeback to win Championship status was Rosette of Mpani (Glenaholm Strauss of Inkabusi ex
Mpani’s Ilala of Goromonzi), bred by the legendary Mylda Arsenis. Italian judges have been judging Ridgebacks in many European countries, such as France and Sweden and at the European Winners Show in Denmark. A book by the prominent hunting dog expert Mr Di Giuliani features Ridgebacks and the RR Club of Italy was founded in 1997. Despite the small number of dogs, Italian- bred dogs have done exceptionally Well when exported.

One of the top Ridgebacks of all time in Italy, Multi Ch. Kaya Delle Cime Bianche (Ss Delle Cime Bianche/Mahara Delle Cime Bianche), shows a firm profile and a determined look.